Monday, September 23, 2013

病中札記 - Why Not Me!

今年三月才做的mammogram, 在比對舊紀錄之後,被要求再做一次,同時受到提示可能需要進一步做超音波。結果沒事,謝天謝地的回家去,心想工作忙得一塌糊塗,實在沒空生病。

八月中,工作終於告一段落,趁難得的空檔,找家庭醫師檢查一下吧!醫師觸診胸部之後,立刻教我去做超音波。雖然被告知80% 的超音波檢查結果不是癌症,最後我畢竟是落入20% 的少數族群中啦!

台灣安寧療護之母趙可式教授在得知罹癌之後曾說:”Why not me?”她的安然自在給我很大的啓發。過去近三年因工作的關係,認識許多抗癌勇士,接觸過去不曾瞭解的瞖學知識,在在都是為我即將面對的挑戰做準備。何況,早就聼說過了,如果可以選的話,乳癌算是比較容易過的關呢!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shao-ying, my brave girlfirend

    We have faith in you. You have support from us. None of us is alone. We will fight this together and beat it.

    We are here for you. We were going to have a pot luck set up on Saturday, 10/12 to share pictures and so on from our NY reunion at Judy's house. Can you make it? I can come and pick you up and take you back home. Let us know. We should be organized about our support group to make it as effective/efficient as possible. Do let us know. Love you, my dear friend.
    Call me anytime- really looking forward to be your chauffeur- a job that I am good at - Sharon
